Category Archives: Eco-Friendly Reviews

Eco-Friendly Savings for Man’s Best Friend


If  you are a friend of the Lindner Family, or even an acquaintance, then you are well aware that we treat our dog Ranger like our true first-born son. We picked Ranger out in January 2008 at 9 weeks on a little

Eco-Friendly Cosmetic Company Enhances Inner and Outer Beauty


From bubble bath bombs to shampoo bars to liquid eyeliners, LUSH offers a broad spectrum of fantastic cosmetic products that are fresh, handmade and eco-friendly. The company uses all natural organic ingredients that are ethically sourced, sustainable and animal cruelty-free

Greenpeace takes on Toxic Fashion

Greenpeace Detox Campaign Image | Photo: Lance Lee

This was a big year for the crusade to end toxic chemicals that were found in a large sampling of clothing pulled from over 20 large retail brands in April of this year.  After tests were conducted on these items

Good Guide app reveals product safety, ethics and eco-impact


The Good Guide: How it Works Do you want to be sure that the products you use at home are not a threat to your health or the health of others?  Here is an online resource and an app to

Responsible Recycling: Everything from A to MP3s

Canon S95 110

Ever wonder what to do with all of those batteries in your children’s toys and remotes once their lives have ended?  Do you hurriedly replace them with new ones and debate whether to just throw them away in the trash

Charity Miles: Earn money for charity per mile

Biking on the beach

Need extra motivation to keep those decadent desserts and delicious treats off you this holiday season?  Want to help others in need get help over the holidays?  Here’s an excellent and easy solution that will inspire you to get fit